Sunday, May 15, 2011

My first post

I think I should go on record saying that this blog will not say anything. I won't cover the latest critical issues or television shows; I won't be telling you all about my daily life. Mostly, this blog is for whatever pops into my head that no one else in the real world wants to hear. The latest show I'm into tends to be something made a few years to decades back and a genre that my family does not enjoy. No one wants to know how much I adore Joss Whedon, no one in my world.
So here will go my thoughts. Whether I decide to rant about my anger at the state of the world, tell you all about the show Dollhouse, or give you a review of my newest favorite book (which is currently The Priest's Graveyard), it will be 100% me and 0% boring. I can be interesting, and you will learn about my thoughts and life by reading this, so stick around and check in from time to time. All right, now, time to work on my real first post!


  1. I love "Dollhouse"! I was so upset when they cancelled it! :0(

  2. I'm still working on finishing the second season. Topher rules!
