Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NaNoWriMo starts November the first!

  And here I am: Sarah E.N.!!
  I am entering this contest for the first time ever! I don't expect to really get 50k, but I will try. I'll be trying to finish Redemption.
  Not sure what NaNoWriMo is? Let me explain. It stands for National Novel Writing Month. Get it? Month. On November first, would-be writers all over the country will sit down with laptops, word processors, pens and paper, and typewriters! Many will pull all-nighters, drinking whole pots of coffee, to write their novels.
  The rules say to start with a new story and write without editing. Fortunately, I know a guy *wink.* Evan has done this before, and he told me (and the other new guys) that it's okay to use a story you've been working on already so long as you don't count the parts you had before November 1st. Redemption has twelve chapters and almost twenty thousand words, a total of seventy-three pages.
  So wish me luck! On November first, I will enter the Internet for only three things:
  1. Youtube - Gotta have my music, and I don't own all that I need for "noveling," as the NaNoWriMo website puts it.
  2. Research - I think I have it all down, but you never know. I may need to look up a type of gun for Angel or a car for Nathan.
  3. The NaNoWriMo 2011 first-timers support group on Facebook - Hopefully, Evan will be on at some point. Maybe. Probably not.
  Other than that, the Internet will be OFF. Did you know you could turn it off? You can. It's crazy. So, November! Be there, or be square. (And no, it is not hip to be square. Get it right, Huey.)

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