Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When did seventeen start meaning OLD?

My tastes have matured,
but they haven't really changed.
  I discovered Youtube when I was about twelve or thirteen. I was still new at surfing through the videos, and I remember those days when I was cute and favorited videos of jets because they had clips of my favorite songs in them. Heh, I was so cute...

  Anyway, even back then, I liked boys. Really liked boys. I also liked Harry Potter, which meant that I fell for... Can anyone guess? Draco Malfoy! The bad boy with the blond hair and (sometimes) a longing to be good. I still like those types, as you can see. That picture over there is my current and probably longest-lasting actor crush, not counting Robert Downey Jr.

Anyway, I used to watch the same video over and over. Britney Spears's "Toxic" played while images of Draco flashed past me. I was practically bouncing as I watched, even though I didn't really understand that lusty feeling back then. I was a child.

But the thing is, he was a child too. I found the video again tonight and decided to watch it. It was okay at first because Draco was really mature at fourteen, so those clips were still pretty hot. But then this other scene flashed by. The still-kinda-chubby face of an eleven-year-old boy, one year younger than my baby brother. My eyes did this: O.O

I felt like a pervert watching that video. It was disgusting. Not that I was still interested in him at that age, but the song and the memories of when I was younger... Gah! I've been noticing more and more lately that the boys I used to love are now children. I guess that's why movie/television crushes are so silly; you grow up and they don't. Still, it made me feel old, and that isn't anywhere close to fair!

So here is the actual video. *sigh*

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