Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And now for movies...

  I'm hugely into movies! I love eighties teen flicks, romantic comedies (mostly from the eighties), pretty much any fantasy, cult science fiction (though I do NOT cosplay), certain action films, and anything else with a good story. 
  I hate adult comedies, almost anything fraught with curses (the main exception is The Breakfast Club), and most science fiction movies. I firmly believe that any sci-fi needs more than two hours to give the fullness of its story. Star Wars, is one example; six movies! (I still need to watch those.) I do love the original Stargate movie, SG-1, and Atlantis.  Universe sucks though.
  But seriously, the eighties were the golden age. Music, movies, clothes (sometimes even the hair!), and etc. Most of the best romantic comedies are from the 80s-90s (Robert Downey Jr. people!).
  ~DISCLAIMER~ If you didn't know this already, I am homeschooled.  This means that no one TELLS me what's classic, what's incredible, and what's junk. I discover that on my own. Also, there will be spoilers in this.

  My most recent experiment with eighties flicks is Weird Science. I was never allowed to watch it, and I would never let a boy my age watch it, but I can take it now. Let's start with the music.
  Normally, when I turn on a movie, I expect music, but I don't really care. "Oh, yeah, some kind of... soundscape... New Age... what do they call that stuff?" Weird Science came on, the music started, and I went, "Oh! Eighties!" I love the good feeling that music gives me. Listen:
  Continue reading as you listen. Don't skip that song!
  Next, we'll talk about the acting. I already liked Anthony Michael Hall of Sixteen Candles and, more recently, The Dead Zone (television show adapted from the King novel), but this movie took him to an entirely new level. The drunk scene was one of the best I have ever seen in the movies, and I laughed so much. And then, surprise!, Robert Downey Jr. shows up! He's a school bully, a small part, but he is my favorite actor of all time. I love that guy so much.
  This is pretty quiet and only five seconds long, but it's one of the best parts of the entire movie:

  Now we'll get to the actual story. Everyone knows the plot because it's been ripped off so many times. Lonely teenage nerds build the perfect girl robot. But in this one, the original, robogirlfriend doesn't go insane and start killing people. Instead, she begins working on raising the boys' self esteem by sending challenges their way. Eventually, they meet the girls they truly want (the bullies' girlfriends) and spend the night with them. I would have liked it better if they had kissed and gone home, but it was still a good movie.
  Those are the big three: music, acting, and plot. Of course, I also care about dialogue (one of the reasons for my love of Joss Whedon), and Weird Science definitely had some quotable lines. This movie gets four stars from me, taking off one for the explicit language and ending.
  (But seriously, there's more than enough female nudity in this. Don't trust ratings; if it was made now instead of the 80s, it would have been rated R.)

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