Friday, September 16, 2011

Day by day

  I haven't updated my... uh... the internet on anything lately.  So here's how my life is going.
  My sister's boyfriend of three years left her three days before their second child was born.  He was cheating on her.  After that devastation, my sister and her kids moved in with me (I live with my parents and little brother.) Now I have my big sis who I never get along with, my two-year-old niece, and my four-month-old nephew living on the bunk bed below me.  They also took over my desk for homework, so I write from my bed most of the time.
  I am no longer a dual-credit student in college.  I failed a computer class, and high school kids must make at least a C to stay in class.  When I graduate, I'll retake it; I need it for my AA.
My favorite writing snack.
  My book is coming along.  I mean, it's slow, but it's coming.  I work on short stories quite often, and I have a few novels in the works or in the idea stage, but my baby is always there.  The name is Redemption, and I've been working on it for about a year (though the plot, characters, and setting are nothing new in my writings; I just finally found the right combination).  I pray about it quite often, and I believe that this is the book God wants me to write.  We'll see if I have it figured out or not though.
It's like being a stay-at-home mom,
but the kids and home aren't mine!
Oh, and I don't usually cook.
Peachy, right? -_-
  So what is my average day?  Wake up anywhere from 7 (when my sister leaves for class and my mother for work) to 8, take care of my nephew.  He may or may not go back to sleep, and he may or may not be in that beautifully happy mood.  My niece sometimes sleeps late (I take the boy into the living room so as not to wake her), but more often, she gets up at around 8 or 8:30.  After that, my sister comes home at around ten, which is when I get to shower, and then she leaves for her three-hour class.  I spend the rest of the day getting my brother to do his school work, washing dishes/cleaning the kitchen (mama hates working, so I try to make her feel good by coming home to a clean house), reading, watching the kidlets, watching cartoons, reading webcomics, and writing when the mood gets me.  After my sister and parents get home, I'm usually free to go to my room and blog, write, or chat.  It's a hectic but ultimately rewarding life.
Buy them!

Seriously! Right now!
  I can't think of anything else.  Reading a lot of books (Jane Eyre, Havah, and The Priest's Graveyard are WIN), praying as often as I remember to, washing a ton of dishes, and texting all my family on AfE.

  So that's what my life is.  If you find any of that interesting, you are very awesome, and I hope we can be friends!

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